Items where Division is "KARYA TULIS DOSEN" and Year is 2023

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 39.


Aimie Sulaiman, - and Komang Jaka Ferdian, - and La Ode Muhamad Muliawan, - and Marwan Yaumul Akbar, - (2023) Fighting Over the Bangka Sea: The Tin Mining Conflict in the Marine Area of Bangka Regency. Journal of Governance, 8 (1). pp. 61-75. ISSN 2528-276X

Aimie Sulaiman, - and Laila Hayati, - and Vindi Kaldina, - (2023) Women’s empowerment: pengelolaan sampah dengan prinsip reduse, reuse, recycle melalui kelompok perempuan di Desa Pagarawan. Jurnal Neo Societal, 8 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2503-359X

Anggrainy, Setya Devy and Sulaiman, Aimie and Herdiyanti, Herdiyanti (2023) Community Based Tourism Development: Studi on Lake Pading Tourism in the Lubuk Besar Sub-Districk Village, Central Bangka Regency. Social Science Studies, 3 (1). pp. 67-78. ISSN 2798-2688

Aruna Asista, - and Rafiqa Sari, - (2023) Penggunaan Konjungsi “Kecuali” dan “Selain” dalam Bahasa Buku Kesatu Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata (Burgerlijk Wetboek Voor Indonesie). STILISTIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, 16 (1). ISSN 2614-3127

Bahjatul Murtasidin, - and Robing, - and Irvan Ansyari, - and Iskandar Zulkarnain, - (2023) Environmental rescue by local initiatives in Bangka Belitung. Environmental rescue by local initiatives in Bangka Belitung, 1267. ISSN 1755-1307

Dr. Diana Anggraeni, S.S., M.Hum., - and Donal Fernado Lubis, - and Dini Wulansari, - (2023) Speech production in english by students with hearing impairment_ an acoustic phonetic approach. Lire Journal (Journal of Linguistics and Literature), 7 (1). pp. 56-71. ISSN 2581-2130

Dr. Eddy Nurtjahya, M.Sc., - and June Mellawati, - and Deni Pratama, - and Syahrir, - (2023) Study of soil–to–plant transfer factors (TFs) of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K on plants cultivated on ex–tin mining land in Bangka Belitung, Indonesia. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 261. ISSN 1879-1700

Dr. Eries Dyah Mustikarini, SP., M.Si., - and Dr. Ratna Santi, S.P., M.Si., - and Gigih Ibnu Prayoga, S.P., M.P., - and Mardian Hasanah, - (2023) Tolerance level of rice (Oryza sativa L.) to aluminum stress in ultisol soil. AIP Conference Proceedings 2583, 2583 (1).

Dr. Eries Dyah Mustikarini, SP., M.Si., - and Gigih Ibnu Prayoga, S.P., M.P., - and Dr. Ratna Santi, S.P., M.Si., - and E. Evita, - (2023) Uniformity test of the upland rice lines F8 from crosses of local Bangka rice and lodging resistance superior varieties in Belitung Regency. Prosiding ISEPROLOCAL 2022.

Dr. Eries Dyah Mustikarini, SP., M.Si., - and Gigih Ibnu Prayoga, S.P., M.P., - and Dr. Ratna Santi, S.P., M.Si., - and Yesi, - and Nur Putri Eka Sari, - (2023) Potential of upland rice promising lines in acid dry land at two different seasons. Agrivita: Journal of Agricultural Science, 45 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN 2477-8516

Dr. Reniati, SE., M.Si., - and Endang Bidayani, S.Pi., M.Si, - and Sumiyati, - (2023) The Influence of Digital Talent and Green Innovation and Its Impact on the MSME Business Model in the Metaverse Era. The Influence of Digital Talent and Green Innovation and Its Impact on the MSME Business Model in the Metaverse Era, 13 (2). ISSN 2460-5328

Dr. Sudirman Adibrata, ST., M.Si., - and Rufti Puji Astuti, S.Pt., M.Si, - and Novyandra Ilham Bahtera, S.E., M.Sc, - and Dr. Rahmad Lingga, S.Si., M.Si., - (2023) Diseminasi pembuatan pellet ikan berprobiotik “Probio_FmUBB" kepada pembudidaya ikan. Jurnal Abdi Insani, 10 (1). pp. 142-152. ISSN 2828-3155

Endang Bidayani, S.Pi., M.Si, - and Devi Valeriani, - and Fitri S. Valen, - (2023) Ethnozoology of Lanun community towards biodiversity conservation at Tebat Rasau ancient lake geosite in Simpang Renggiang District, East Belitung Regency. AACL Bioflux, 16. pp. 2931-2938.

Endang Bidayani, S.Pi., M.Si, - and Dr. Reniati, SE., M.Si., - and Agung Priyambada, - (2023) The application of the blue economy concept for traditional fisheries management in a conflict zone. Indo Pacific Journal of Ocean Life, 7 (2). pp. 143-147. ISSN 2775-1953

Endang Bidayani, S.Pi., M.Si, - and Reniati, - and Agung Priyambada, - (2023) Implementation of the blue economy concept of traditional fisheries management in the conflict zone, on the coast of kebintik village, Pangkalan Baru district, Central Bangka Regency. ECSOFiM: Journal of Economic and Social of Fisheries and Marine, 10 (2). pp. 147-155. ISSN 2528-5939

Endang Bidayani, S.Pi., M.Si, - and Reniati, - and Fitri S. Valen, - (2023) Local wisdom of coastal communities in management of fishery resources in conflict areas of unconventional tin mining in Central Bangka Regency. AACL Bioflux, 16 (3). pp. 1277-1283. ISSN 1277-1283.

Endang Bidayani, S.Pi., M.Si, - and Tiara Puspa Anjani, - and Muhammad Fachri, - (2023) Policy for the development of cultivated fishery commerce in the Province Of The Bangka Belitung Islands. Journal Of Aquatropica Asia, 8 (1). pp. 55-61. ISSN 2721-7574

Eni Karsiningsih, S.P., M.Si., - and Anisa, - and Rufti Puji Astuti, S.Pt., M.Si, - (2023) Business marketing strategy of seafood processed souvenir during the covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of economic, Finance, and Sustainable Development, 5 (1). pp. 131-145. ISSN 2620-6296

Eni Karsiningsih, S.P., M.Si., - and Muhammad Soleh Rafsanjani, - (2023) The Influence of Tourist Attitudes in Buying Food Souvenirs on Satisfaction and Purchase Intention The Influence of Tourist Attitudes in Buying Food Souvenirs on Satisfaction and Purchase Intention. International Journal of Business and Quality Research, 1 (1). ISSN 2985 - 9468

Fifi Lestari, - and Eni Karsiningsih, S.P., M.Si., - and Muntoro, SP.,M.Si., - (2023) Preferensi Konsumen Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sayuran Hidroponik Di Kota Sungailiat Kabupaten Bangka. Paradigma Agribisnis, 5 (2). ISSN 2621-9921

Maera Zasari, - and Kartika, SP., M.Si., - and Ropalia, - (2023) Diseminasi teknik pembibitan kopi dan pengomposan limbah kulit kopi di Desa Melabun Kabupaten Bangka Tengah. Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian, 8 (2). pp. 283-292. ISSN 2528-3219

Muhammad Zainul Abdi, - and Saparin, - and Yudi Setiawan, S.T., M.Eng., - and Eka Sariwijianti, S.Pd., MT., - (2023) Design of bajakah root chopping machine into tea powder. Austenit, 15 (2). pp. 139-143. ISSN 2622-7649

Nyayu Siti Khodijah, SP., M.Si, - and Dr. Ratna Santi, S.P., M.Si., - and Kusmiadi, - and Euis Asriani, S.Si., M.Si., - and Muhartoyo, - (2023) Laju Pertumbuhan Selada Hidroponik Pada Campuran Hara Abmix dan POC Bulu Ayam (Kasus Pada Pertumbuhan Selada di Media Substitusi Hara Sintetis dan POC Bulu Ayam). Journal of Agricultural and Farming, 1 (1).

Resti Amalia, - and M. Aies Taufiq, - (2023) Cultural literacy in academic-Related documents of english subject in Junior High School. Cultural Literacy in Academic-Related Documents of English Subject in Junior High School, 17 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1979-0457

Rima Melati, - and Dr. Eries Dyah Mustikarini, SP., M.Si., - and Gigih Ibnu Prayoga, S.P., M.P., - (2023) Qualitative characteristics and genetic parameters of F3 purple corn lines from open pollination hybridization. Planta Tropika: Jurnal Agrosains, 11 (1). pp. 61-69. ISSN 2528-7079

Robet Perangin-angin, - and Dendi Haris, - and Beta Indi Sulistyowati, - and Dian Sutono, - and Ully Wulandari, - and Untung Prasetyono, - and Kadi Istrianto, - and Suharyanto, - and Dr. Sudirman Adibrata, ST., M.Si., - (2023) Sosialisasi keselamatan kerja pada kapal penangkap ikan di Kabupaten Karawang. Jurnal Pengabdian: Indonesia Berdaya, 4 (2). pp. 734-740. ISSN 2502-9495

Robin, S.Pi., M.Si., - and Endang Bidayani, S.Pi., M.Si, - and Tiara Puspa Anjani, - and Ahmad Fahrul Syarif, - (2023) Utilization status and conservation efforts of Bangka Island endemic fishes. AACL Bioflux, 74 (6). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2117-4458

Salsa, Tyas Fadhilla and Zulkarnain, Iskandar and Sulaiman, Aimie (2023) Social Religious Construction in the Tuatunu Indah Village Community in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic. Social Science Studies, 3 (2). pp. 105-119. ISSN 2798-2688

Savira, - and Dr. Eddy Nurtjahya, M.Sc., - and Dr. Ratna Santi, S.P., M.Si., - (2023) Stomata of Grass in The Ex Tin-Mining Land in Bangka. Jurnal Ilmu Dasar, 24 (1). ISSN 2442-5613

Setya Devy Anggrainy, - and Aimie Sulaiman, - and Herdiyanti, - (2023) Community based tourism development: studi on lake pading tourism in the Lubuk Besar sub-districk village, Central Bangka Regency. Social Science Studies, 3 (1). pp. 67-78. ISSN 2798-2688

Supitri, - and Endang Bidayani, S.Pi., M.Si, - and Robin, S.Pi., M.Si., - (2023) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan ikan konsumsi air tawar di pasar tradisional Kota Pangkalpinang. Jurnal perikanan. ISSN 2657-0629

Tyas Fadhilla Salsa, - and Iskandar Zulkarnain, - and Aimie Sulaiman, - (2023) Social religious construction in the tuatunu indah village community in facing the covid-19 pandemic. Social Science Studies, 3 (2). pp. 105-119. ISSN 2798-2688

Vindi Kaldina, - and I Nyoman Pasek Darmawan, - (2023) “That's why I never learned English from Indonesian teachers”: Investigating Native-Speakerism in YouTube Video Comments. Berumpun : International Journal Of Social, Politics, And Humanities, 6 (2). pp. 73-86. ISSN 2622-8335

Yulia, - and Rostiar Sitorus, S.P., M.Si., - and Ratih Purwasih, - and Eni Karsiningsih, S.P., M.Si., - and Rufti Puji Astuti, S.Pt., M.Si, - and Muntoro, SP.,M.Si., - and Evahelda, S.TP.,M.Si., - and Dr. Fournita Agustina, S.P., M.Si, - and Eddy Jajang Jaya Atmaja, - and Iwan Setiawan, - and Novyandra Ilham Bahtera, S.E., M.Sc, - (2023) Sosialisasi Asap Cair Sebagai Koagulan Getah Karet Yang Ramah Lungkungan di Desa Kemuja Kecamatan Mendo Barat Kabupaten Bangka. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2 (8). ISSN 2798-2912

Yuni Kartika, (NIM. 2051411048) and Yudi Sapta Pranoto, SP., M.Si., - and Dr. Fournita Agustina, S.P., M.Si, - (2023) Analisis Rantai pasokan Sayuran di Pasar induk Kota Pangkal Pinang. SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 13 (1). pp. 115-127. ISSN 2615 - 6628

Book Section

Darwance, S.H., M.H., - and Dr. Dwi Haryadi, S.H., M.H., - and Rafiqa Sari, - and Muhammad Syaiful Anwar, - and Ndaru Satrio, - (2023) Tin Mining in Bangka Belitung Islands and Its Impact on the Reputation of Geographical Indication: A Policymakers Perspective. In: 3rd Riau Annual Meeting on Law and Social Sciences (RAMLAS): The Role of Law, Environmental Science and Policy for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). IOP Publishing, Riau.

Dr. Dwi Haryadi, S.H., M.H., - and Dr. Ibrahim, M.Si., - and Darwance, S.H., M.H., - (2023) Environmental Improvement Policy through the obligation of post-tin mining reclamation in the islands of Bangka Belitung. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing.

Sumiyati, - and Julia, S.E., M.Si., - (2023) Apakah insentif pajak dapat menstimulus pertumbuhan ekonomi dan masa depan bisnis? (Studi pada negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara). In: Inovasi kebijakan dan evaluasi insentif perpajakan Indonesia. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, pp. 73-100. ISBN 978-602-0674735


Emelia Dwinta, - and Kayla Febriani, - and Aryani, - and Riyadus Soleha, - and Meme Sentia, - and Hanafi Jum’ah, - and Ridwan Ilmi, - and Nesa Febriani, - and Rupiyana, - and Nur Faizza Tunnisa, - and Nurmala Dewi, - and Virginia Faradisa, - and Dessy Kurnia Sari, - and Muhammad Ihsan Al-Ghifari, - and Harmin, - and Revi Khairunissa, - and Steven, - (2023) Seiring waktu bergerak isu sosial turut berdetak (dari Persoalan Pasca Tambang, konflik, pembangunan pariwisata, kesejahteraan nelayan, dan digitalisasi di Bangka Belitung). Jejak Pustaka, Bantul Yogyakarta.

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