Items where Division is "KARYA TULIS DOSEN" and Year is 2018

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 23.


Iskandar Zulkarnain, - and Aimie Sulaiman, - and Fitri Ramdhani Harahap, - (2018) Modal sosial bentukan dalam penyelesaian konflik di Bangka Belitung. Society, 6 (2). pp. 92-99. ISSN 2597-4874

Aqida Widya Kusmutiarani, (NIM. 2051411009) and Yudi Sapta Pranoto, SP., M.Si., - and Dr. Fournita Agustina, S.P., M.Si, - (2018) Dampak Fluktuasi Harga Tiga Komoditas Volatile Food Terhadap Inflasi di Kota Pangkalpinang. Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 2 (5). ISSN 2598-8174

Didik Susetyo, - and Zunaidah, - and Siti Rohima, - and Dr. Devi Valeriani, SE., M.Si., - and Abdul Bashir, - (2018) Impact of capital expenditure and public utility customers to economic development of district-city in Sumatra-Indonesia. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 8 (1). pp. 126-135. ISSN 2146-4138

Dr. Fournita Agustina, S.P., M.Si, - and Yulia, - and Rufti Puji Astuti, S.Pt., M.Si, - (2018) Analysis Of Supply Chain Networking for Muntok White Pepper In The Province Of Bangka Belitung Islands. Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2 (74). pp. 142-147. ISSN 2226-1184

Dr. Ibrahim, M.Si., - and Dr. Dwi Haryadi, S.H., M.H., - and Nanang Wahyudin, S.E., M.M., - (2018) From Charm To Sorrow: The Dark Portrait Of Tin Mining In Bangka Belitung, Indonesia. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 4 (1). 360 - 382. ISSN 2454-5899

Dr. Ibrahim, M.Si., - and Dr. Dwi Haryadi, S.H., M.H., - and Nanang Wahyudin, S.E., M.M., - (2018) Knowledge of the context, behavior, and expectations of miners in relation to the tin mining policies and practices in Bangka Belitung. Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik, 31 (4). ISSN 2528-6013

Dr. Ibrahim, M.Si., - and Dr. Dwi Haryadi, S.H., M.H., - and Nanang Wahyudin, S.E., M.M., - (2018) Knowledge of the context, behavior, and expectations of miners in relation to the tin mining political policies and practices in Bangka Belitung. Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik, 31 (4). pp. 358-367. ISSN 2528-6013

Dr. Ibrahim, M.Si., - and Dr. Dwi Haryadi, S.H., M.H., - and Nanang Wahyudin, S.E., M.M., - (2018) Local Fisherman Resistance in Kelapa Kampit Coastal Area Toward Offshore Mining Activities. E3S Web of Conferences, 47. p. 20. ISSN 2267-1242

Dr. Ibrahim, M.Si., - and Dr. Dwi Haryadi, S.H., M.H., - and Nanang Wahyudin, S.E., M.M., - (2018) Make Peace With the Damaged Coast(The Experience of Mentok Coastal Community in Adapting the Offshore Tin Mining). 2nd Scientific Communication in Fisheries and Marine Sciences (SCiFiMaS 2018), 47. ISSN 2267-1242

Dr. Ibrahim, M.Si., - and Dr. Dwi Haryadi, S.H., M.H., - and Nanang Wahyudin, S.E., M.M., - (2018) The Social Dilemma of Tin Mining of Non-miners People : A Comparative Study Between Bangka and Belitung People’s Perception. E3S Web of Conferences, 73. ISSN 2267-1242

Dr. Ibrahim, M.Si., - and Dr. Dwi Haryadi, S.H., M.H., - and Nanang Wahyudin, S.E., M.M., - (2018) Tin and Authority Contestation: Government, People, And Businessmen in Chronical Tin Management. International Journal of Management and Applied Science, 4 (1). pp. 16-25. ISSN 2394 - 7926

Dr. Rulyanti Susi Wardhani, S.E., M.Si., - and Dian Prihardini Wibawa, - and Dr. Darus Altin, S.E., M.Si., - (2018) Penerapan standar akuntansi keuangan entitas tanpa akuntabilitas pada UMKM Kota Pangkalpinang. Jurnal Eksistansi, 7 (1). pp. 1048-1057. ISSN 2085-2401

Dyah Sugandini, - and Purwoko, - and Argo Pambudi, - and Siti Resmi, - and Dr. Reniati, SE., M.Si., - and Muafi, - and Rizqi Adhyka Kusumawati, - (2018) The role of uncertainty, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness towards the technology adoption. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), 9 (4). pp. 660-669. ISSN 0976-6316

Henny Helmi, S.Si., M.Si., - and Eni Karsiningsih, S.P., M.Si., - (2018) Pendampingan Petani Gaharu melalui Program Diversifikasi Produk Gaharu sebagai Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Petani Gaharu di Kabupaten Bangka Tengah. Engagement: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2 (1). ISSN 2579-8391

Irma Akhrianti, - and Franto, ST., M.Sc., - and Dr. Eddy Nurtjahya, M.Sc., - and Indra Ambalika Syari, S.Pi., M.Si., - (2018) Deteksi Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Menggunakan Citra Landsat ETM (Enhanced Thematic Mapper) Multi Temporal di Pesisir Utara Pulau Mendanau dan Pulau Batu Dinding, Kabupaten Belitung. Akuatik : Jurnal Sumberdaya Perairan, 12 (1). pp. 53-60. ISSN 26565498

Ismalia Afriani Hasbullah, - and Dr. Fournita Agustina, S.P., M.Si, - (2018) Manfaat Langsung Perhutanan Sosial Pada Kawasan Ekowisata Kabupaten Tanggamus. Jurnal Wacana Pertanian, 14 (1). ISSN 1412-369X

J. W. Ferry Slik, - and Janet Franklin, - and Víctor Arroyo-Rodríguez, - and Richard Field, - and Salomon Aguilare, - and Nikolay Aguirre, - and Jorge Ahumada, - and Shin-Ichiro Aiba, - and Luciana F. Alves, - and Anitha K, - and Andres Avella, - and Francisco Mora, - and Gerardo A. Aymard C, - and Selene Báez, - and Patricia Balvanera, - and Meredith L. Bastian, - and Jean-François Bastin, - and Peter J. Bellingham, - and Eduardo van den Berg, - and Polyanna da Conceição Bispo, - and Pascal Boeckxt, - and Katrin Boehning-Gaese, - and Frans Bongers, - and Brad Boyle, - and Fabian Brambach, - and Francis Q. Brearley, - and Sandra Brown, - and Shauna-Lee Chai, - and Robin L. Chazdon, - and Shengbin Chen, - and Phourin Chhang, - and George Chuyong, - and Corneille Ewango, - and Indiana M. Coronado, - and Jurgi Cristóbal-Azkarate, - and Heike Culmsee, - and Kipiro Damas, - and H. S. Dattaraja, - and Priya Davidar, - and Saara J. DeWalt, - and Hazimah Dina, - and Donald R. Drakeo, - and Alvaro Duque, - and Giselda Durigan, - and Dr. Eddy Nurtjahya, M.Sc., - (2018) Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (8). pp. 1837-1842. ISSN 1091-6490

Rostiar Sitorus, S.P., M.Si., - (2018) Perspektif Rumahtangga Petani dan Perusahaan Agribisnis Terhadap Contract Farming. Agrica Ekstensia, 12 (1). pp. 51-59. ISSN 2715-9493

Syamsurijal A. Kadir, - and Dr. Rulyanti Susi Wardhani, S.E., M.Si., - and Nurkadina Novalia, - and Ahmad Maulana, - (2018) The development of rubber, coffee and palm oil commodity in South Sumatra, Indonesia using swot analysis. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB), 3 (4). pp. 1191-1201. ISSN 2456-1878

Syamsurijal Abdul Kadir, - and Azwardi, - and Dr. Rulyanti Susi Wardhani, S.E., M.Si., - and Nurkardina Novalia, - (2018) The impact of physical and human capital on the economic growth of agricultural sector in South Sumatera. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 8 (4). pp. 322-326. ISSN 2146-4138

Book Section

Dr. Ibrahim, M.Si., - and Sandy Pratama, - and Rendy, - (2018) Social media positioning trend analysis in 2017 Bangka Belitung Governor Election Campaign. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social and Political Sciences (IcoSaPS 2018). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research . Atlantis Press. ISBN 978-94-6252-589-4

Dr. Reniati, SE., M.Si., - and Endang Bidayani, S.Pi., M.Si, - and Khairiyansyah, S.E., M.M., - (2018) Maritime Economy Model for Tourism Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Cape Kellyang to Promote Performance of Tourism-based Micro and Small Enterprises on Belitung Island. In: Academy for Global Business Advancement’s 15th World Congress Held at the AACSB Accredited National Institute of Development Administration. AGBA, Bangkok, pp. 318-326. ISBN 1549-9332

Iwan Setiawan, - and Dr. Evahelda, STP., M.Si, - (2018) Penggunaan Input Dan Faktor Produksi Pada Usahatani Lada (Muntok White Pepper) di Desa Ranggung Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional BKS-PTN Barat. Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Serang. ISBN 978-979-19929-5-4

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