Items where Author is "Rion Apriyadi, -"

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Number of items: 28.

Dr. Devi Valeriani, SE., M.Si., - and Dian Prihardini Wibawa, - and Revy Safitri, - and Rion Apriyadi, - (2023) Wellnes tourism di Bangka Belitung. Dewa Publishing, Jawa Timur. ISBN 978-623-8377-29-9

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Verawati, - (2022) Growth Response and Yield of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) with NPK Application and Cassava Bark Compost in Ultisol Land. roceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism (ICOSEAT 2022). ISSN 2468-5747

Deni Pratama, - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Dr. Rahmad Lingga, S.Si., M.Si., - and Meri Rahmawati, - (2022) Kualitas kimia kompos hasil biokonversi berbagai jenis limbah organik menggunakan larva black soldier Fly dan EM-4. AGROSAINSTEK: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian, 6 (2). pp. 38-47. ISSN 2579-843X

Ropalia, - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Herry Marta Saputra, - (2022) Penyakit utama tanaman lada di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. AGROSAINSTEK: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian, 6 (1). pp. 53-60. ISSN 2579-843X

Rion Apriyadi, - and Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - (2021) The Effect of Weed Control Techniques and Frequencies of Insecticides Application to the Abundance and Damage Intensity of Main Pest on Black Pepper Plant (Piper nigrum L.). AGROSAINSTEK: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian, 5 (1). pp. 64-71. ISSN 2579-843X

Dr. Ir. Ismed Inonu, M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Dera Utari, - (2021) Penggunaan Sabut Kelapa pada Budidaya Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L. chinensis) dengan Sistem Irigasi Growick pada Media Campuran Tailing Pasir, Top Soil dan Pupuk Kandang. Enviagro: Jurnal Pertanian dan Lingkungan, 5 (1). ISSN 1978-1644

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Dr. Eries Dyah Mustikarini, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - (2020) Optimalisasi Sistem Produksi Produk Olahan Nenas Berkualitas Serta Manajemen Limbah Pasca Produksinya Di Kelurahan Tuatunu – Kota Pangkalpinang. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Bangka Belitung, 7 (2). ISSN 2622-6448

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Dr. Eries Dyah Mustikarini, SP., M.Si., - and Alif Satria, - and Niken Dwiyulivia Yasmin, - (2020) Optimalisasi Pertumbuhan dan Daya Hasil Nenas dengan Menggunakan Berbagai Mulsa di Lahan Pasca Tambang Timah. Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia, 11 (2). pp. 149-156. ISSN 2614-2872

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Dr. Eries Dyah Mustikarini, SP., M.Si., - and Wawan Saputra, - and Yelia Merlin, - (2020) The application of palm-oil waste as organic materials on three pineapple accessions cultivated on post-tin mining land in Bangka Island, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 12 (1). pp. 40-45. ISSN 2085-4722

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Hartina, - (2020) Optimization of maize (Zea mays L) cultivation in post tin mining land. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 599. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1755-1315

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Dr. Eries Dyah Mustikarini, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and B.P. Hutahean, - (2020) Optimization of the flowering stage by using stimulants of calcium carbide and paclobutrazol on pineapple at post tin mining area. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 497. pp. 1-4. ISSN 1755-1315

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Dewi Ratna Ulfa, - (2020) Pemanfaatan Lahan Pasca Tambang Timah dengan Budidaya Sawi. Agrotechnology Research Journal, 4 (1). ISSN 2614-7416

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Dr. Eries Dyah Mustikarini, SP., M.Si., - and Wawan Saputra, - and Yelia Merlin, - (2020) The application of palm-oil waste as organic materials on three pineapple accessions cultivated on post-tin mining land in Bangka Island, Indonesia. Nusantara Bioscience, 12 (1). ISSN 2087-3956

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Dr. Eries Dyah Mustikarini, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - (2019) Teknologi pengelolaan lahan pasca tambang timah. Uwais Inspirasi Indonesia, Jawa Timur. ISBN 978-623-227-222-4

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Abdul Husein, - (2019) Damage Intensity of Pepper Stem-Borer (Lophobaris piperis) on Different Weed Control in Bangka Belitung Archipelago Province. Proceedings of the International Conference on Maritime and Archipelago (ICoMA 2018).

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Ismul Aan, - (2019) Optimization of Sorghum Cultivation (Sorghum Bicholor) with Ameliorant Addition in the Post Tin Mining Of Bangka, Indonesia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Maritime and Archipelago (ICoMA 2018). ISSN 978-94-6252-785-0

Dr. Ir. Ismed Inonu, M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Ridwan Diaguna, - and Muhammad Rinaldi, - (2019) Soil Ameliorant in Post Tin Mining Land of Bangka Island for Pepper Growth. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Maritime and Archipelago (ICoMA 2018). Atlantis Press. ISBN 2352-5401

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Deni Pratama, - (2019) Upaya pemanfaatan pekarangan dengan pola KRPL (Kebun Rumah Pangan Lestari) sebagai unit produksi bibit lada dan kebun sumber pestisida nabati ramah lingkungan di Desa Namang, Kabupaten Bangka Tengah. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Bangka Belitung, 5 (2). pp. 37-42. ISSN 2622-6448

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Dr. Eries Dyah Mustikarini, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Saipul Anwar, - (2019) Early stability test of mutant candidates of Bangka local cassava, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 20 (1). pp. 337-342. ISSN 2085-4722

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and M. Fazlur Ferdiaz, - (2019) Pemanfaatan limbah kulit ubi kayu sebagai kompos dengan berbagai aktivator terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi sayur selada (Lactuca sativa L). In: Prosiding Forum Komunikasi Perguruan Tinggi Inndonesia (FKPTPI). FKPTPI, Banda Aceh. ISBN 978-602-5679-70-4

Evinia Norenza, - and Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - (2019) Penetapan Dosis Tepung Daun Cengkeh untuk Mengendalikan Hama Gudang Kacang Hijau(Callosobruchus Maculatus Fabricius)pada Suhu Penyimpanan yang Berbeda. AGROSAINSTEK: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian, 3 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2579-843X

Iz Damaita, - and Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - (2018) Pengaruh Iradiasi Sinar Gamma pada Karakter Kualitas Hasil Umbi Tiga Aksesi Ubi Kayu (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Asal Bangka. AGROSAINSTEK: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian, 2 (2). pp. 53-60. ISSN 2579-843X

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Fajar Setiawan, - (2018) Keragaman Tanaman Ubi Kayu Lokal Bangka dengan Pemberian Mikoriza di Tanah Masam. AGROSAINSTEK: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian, 2 (1). pp. 15-21. ISSN 2579843X

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - (2017) Genetic potential of cassava biodiversity in Bangka Island, Indonesia. CELL BIOLOGY & DEVELOPMENT, 1 (2). pp. 41-45. ISSN 2580-4499

Dr. Eddy Nurtjahya, M.Sc., - and Dr. Ir. Ismed Inonu, M.Si., - and Ridwan Diaguna, - and Royalaitani, - and Eka Sari, - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Deni Pratama, - (2015) Panduan praktikum reklamasi lahan bekas tambang aspek budidaya pertanian. [Teaching Resource]

Dr. Eddy Nurtjahya, M.Sc., - and Dr. Ir. Ismed Inonu, M.Si., - and Eka Sari, - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Deni Pratama, - (2013) Panduan praktikum reklamasi lahan bekas tambang. [Teaching Resource]

Ropalia, - and Rion Apriyadi, - and Herry Marta Saputra, - Distribusi hama serangga pada tanaman lada di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. Jurnal Agrotek Indonesia, 6 (1). pp. 28-32. ISSN 2580-2747

Dr. Tri Lestari, SP., M.Si., - and Rion Apriyadi, - and G Amandha, - Growth and yield of edamame soybean in post-tin mining land with application of Rhizobium bacteria and organic fertilizer. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 694. ISSN 1755-1315

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