Items where Author is "Nura Malahayati, -"
Dr. Evahelda, STP., M.Si, - and Filli Pratama, - and Nura Malahayati, - and Budi Santoso, - (2017) Perubahan kadar glukosa dan fruktosa madu karet Bangka selama penyimpanan. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Rapat Tahunan Dekan Bidang Ilmu Pertanian BKS - PTN Wilayah Barat, 2017. Universitas Bangka Belitung, Bangka. ISBN 978 - 602 - 50885 - 0 - 6
Dr. Evahelda, STP., M.Si, - and Filli Pratama, - and Nura Malahayati, - and Budi Santoso, - The Changes of Moisture Content, pH, and Total Sugar Content of Honey Originated from the Flowers of Bangka Rubber Tree during Storage. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER). ISSN 2347-3878